Road or Gravel? 5 miles or 5 hours? Climb or Descend? Suffer or Smile? More power or less weight? Creo 2 isn’t about having to choose. It’s about having it all. With more power, big range, light weight, huge tire clearance, and Future Shock 3.0, it’s category-defying, making previously impossible rides possible.

Specialized Turbo Creo 2 Comp E5

Built with a premium E5 aluminum frame, the Turbo Creo 2 Comp E5 delivers a lightweight, aerodynamic ride that’s perfect for long-distance adventures or high-speed commutes. It’s road cycling—supercharged.
Make impossible rides possible with the absurdly capable Creo 2. Get up to 120 miles of range, progressive geometry, and tyre size options that suit anything from fast road to rugged gravel. Load up racks for the long haul, and get low and in control with a spec'd dropper post.

Have a question?
To place an order, you’ll first need to refer us to your employer. Once your company is signed up to DASH, you’ll get full access to our platform where you can browse our extensive catalogue. Once you’ve found the item you’d like, simply add it to your basket and complete the checkout process.
Once your subscription has been activated, your first payment will appear on next month’s payslip. These payments are taken from your salary by your employer, which allows you to save on income tax and national insurance contributions.
The monthly payments will be taken from your pre-tax salary, also called your ‘gross’ salary. This reduces your taxable income (the amount of salary which you pay tax on) and as a result, you pay less income tax and lower national insurance contributions.
The amount you save will be between 28% and 47%, depending on your tax bracket (basic, higher, additional).
The best way to get your company signed up is to refer us to your HR team. We would suggest providing us with their contact details, and having an internal conversation with them directly regarding setting up a Cycle to Work scheme.
If your company already has a Cycle to Work scheme, it’s time they got a better one and we can help with that! We can either replace them entirely or sit alongside to provide you and your colleagues with more choice and flexibility.